



The Sanskrit word, Jyoti means Light, Ish means Divine or Sacred, together they create Jyotish (pronounced jo-teesh) meaning the Light of the Divine or the Science of Light. The illumination that flows through the sacred, us, YOU! Jyotish is also known as Vedic Astrology and is the continuation of the Yog Vedantic teachings which are all interconnected. Vedic Astrology is phenomenally complex and is considered a sacred science, a spiritual science to move us towards unity and a science that sheds light on the fruits of past actions and reveals the potential of your being. Jyotish can serve as a guiding light in your life and ultimately light the way out of the illusory world of forms and back to the Divine.

We offer Sattva Jyotish, like we offer all our classes, as another yogic technology that is integrated. Have you ever wondered why some times you feel charged an energised to take life by the horns and other times you feel time for solitude to recharge? That can all be seen in your chart. Your chart shows your cosmic journey & your potential.

We currently offer the following readings and support:

  • Natal (Birth) Chart analysis with current planetary rulers (Dashas)

  • Returning Clients - current Transits which house they effect & how to support them

  • Gemstones or practices recommended based on your birth chart

  • 6 week life changing program based on your Birth chart

    If you like to know more about your cosmic journey as well as received practices that will support you in these times or in the need of the hour, we would be honoured to guide you and support you on this journey.

Jyotish | Vedic Astrology | New Clients

60 Minute detailed reading of your birth/natal chart analysis, learn about your Sun Sign, your Moon sign, Nakshatras as well as yogic practices & suggestions from the tog-vedantic lineage to support you during this time.


  • A live online 60 minute comprehensive reading on your birth/natal chart or the The current Dasha, ruling planet or current transits. Please advise when you book in.

  • Learn what your Ascendent, Sun Sign and Moon sign are, as well as the Nakshatras (lunar constellation) includes a 15 minute follow up 21 days after reading.

  • Learn what Breathwork, pranayama, mantras, movement practices that can support you in the current time

  • 15 minute zoom support call 21 or 40 days after your astrology reading.

Jyotish | Vedic Astrology reading | Returning Clients

60-90 minute Live detailed reading of your birth/natal chart, current transits, current Dashas, Nakshatras and houses currently being activated, as well as receive practices from the Yogic sciences to support and elevate you during this time.

6 Week blooming lotus Program

Judes will create your own personalised 40 day practice based on your birth chart with on-going weekly support online for the 6 weeks. A grounding program that will give you the tools to use in life to help overcome all the obstacles we create in our minds before they become bumps on path. Throughout 2021 we have seen so many profound transformations of the people who took part in this program as well as the other 6 week immersion programs we offer, so we have seen first hand the successful results of the 6 week programs.

what you receive in blooming lotus:

  • 60 Minute Vedic Astrology reading via Zoom. You also receive the recording.

  • 6 x 45 minute weekly Private, 1 on 1 online, with Judes

  • 1 x 60 minute online Himalayan yoga class

  • 20 - 30 minute video recording of your 40 day practice and voice recordings of any mantra suggestions.

  • Unlimited support & access to Judes throughout the next 40 days

  • My 3 gifts to you: 6-8 page coloured Ebook of your Vedic chart, A goal setting workbook and a certificate of completion

    Are you ready to take charge of your life and create the shift for the betterment of your life? Complete the application form below with all the required information for Judes to do your Vedic reading and to create your personalised program.



The prices for the Jyotish services given above are based on what is normative amongst experienced and knowledgeable practitioners. However, we have never refused classes, teaching or services to anyone based on an inability to pay. During the covid pandemic through State of Sahaja, we gave away numerous classes, workshops to support those who needed to practice their mental health and wellbeing. With the Jyotish readings, I practice what is known in India as the "brahmanical way," which means, "each according to their own means."

If you are sincere and truly cannot afford the full cost for just a Vedic Astrology reading, you are welcome to set the fee based on what you can afford. Please email Judes directly if this is the case.


Remember when you come and nurture your body, mind and soul with us, you aren’t just taking a yoga class and looking after your own wellness—you’ll also be contributing to the betterment of another person and lighting up their life simply by giving. We are a part of 1% for the planet and donate to charities who do good, and give back to the community for each Jyotish reading.

We are also proudly the first yoga studio to be a Certified B Corporation®:

  • yoga mat company in Australia

  • and B Corporation on the Gold Coast

    for our commitment to giving back and doing business for good.

*Terms and conditions apply. Please choose wisely as no refunds, no exchanges or transfers to other products. Head to checkout for more information.