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Members Only: Thrive with Amber Hawken & Robbo. Presented by Lululemon

  • state of sahaja yoga studio (map)

We love our members and collaborations, so we love this offering with Lululemon Pacific Fair:

THRIVE at the Next Level Making an impact in this world requires clarity, calm, vision and the ability to have a constant stream of inspire

About this Event

In this workshop, you will learn the basics of how to:

  • Generate an internal vitality that takes you from overdrive and burn out to flow and innovation.

  • Deepen your impact as a more conscious and inspired leader in your life and of your team. 

  • Cultivate adaptability intelligence skills through breathwork, mindfulness and gut-heart-mind connection. 

Through a series of mental focus and adaptability intelligence activities, you'll see what level of leadership and consciousness you are operating at and how to take things to the next level without working "harder".

Our goal is to support you to optimise your human potential, connect you to a bigger vision and support you to reach the goals that not only fulfill you but have a positive impact in this world. 

This is a fundamentals workshop where we can give you a picture of where you at and some basic but powerful tools to take home and implement in your life for immediate change.

About the presenters: 

Amber Hawken

Hiya, Amber here. I founded Calm Mind Co. I’m the one who believes joy is our birthright, creativity our superpower, heart intelligence our blueprint and cognitive intelligence a gift we get to direct if we learn to calm our mind and cultivate connection with our deepest self. ⁣I've been to more than 15 funerals including my Mums, who was an addict, so I know a lot about grief and a ton about what it takes to transcend darkness, the limitless potential we all have and the power of choice. I’ve read every Harry Potter book a minimum of 13 times, I run a 12second flat 100m, I played soccer for QLD, I’ve traveled to over 40 countries and I melt at the sound of an electric guitar thanks to growing up with my Dad who places fender strats above oxygen in his personal hierarchy of needs.⁣

We’re here to shift old paradigms of fear, control, oppression and business. ⁣

⁣We work with the kind of people who want to run their lives and organisations in a way that serves each individuals fulfillment as much as it does their productivity and the contribution to the world through whatever they’re creating. ⁣We work with people who are changing the world through their culture, their creations and their way of being. ⁣Resilience to us has less to do with being knocked down and getting back up and everything to do with being so grounded in presence and open in flow that you don’t ever really get knocked down, you flow with life itself. ⁣

Brett Robinson Or, “Robbo”.

Brett has consulted as a Performance Coach and Performance Therapist to Olympic level, Track and Field Athletes, Various AFL, NRL and ARU teams, Redbull athletes and many more.

Additionally, he’s coached managers, CEO’s, high performing business owners and entrepreneurs. His Performance Coaching is a combination of his incredible understanding of mindset, emotional intelligence, nutrition and gut health, breathing, physiology, movement efficiency and much more.

From Robbo

“I’m an optimistic lover of life, proud father and husband, and addicted to gratitude. My gorgeous wife and I often ponder whether we should have a chocolate factory (for an endless supply of healthy dark chocolate that we love), or a blueberry farm (to support our addiction to blueberries). I believe the most powerful thing on the planet is the human mind, and we all have one. So why not take the best version of it with us everywhere we go.

I used to be addicted to human performance, now I’m addicted to human behaviour and I love finding the marginal gains for people and organisations to tap into the inner super powers and help them thrive. What excites me most about Calm Mind Co is the accessibility for ALL humans to be empowered by the abundance of resources and coaching that we not only believe are life-changing, we also embody these practices. We don’t teach a curriculum, we teach a way of being.”

What to Bring: 

Please bring something to sit on either a yoga mat or cushion we will also be adhering to the 1.5m social distancing. 

Book Quickly as we are only limited spaces.
